Saturday, 18 May 2013

Franco-German cohabitation

Today, a break in the updates about the trip in Laos to do a quick flash forward to Seoul. More specifically the dorm life and its oddities.

the roommate

NOTA: I don't have that poor a health that I drink whisky in the middle of the day and on my own, it just seems someone looks way more deep and lost in his thoughts if you picture him with a tumbler in one hand and a cigarette in the other one. It's all for the sake of staging, just like I said there.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Belgian Soft Power

It seems like Belgium understood better than most countries how to establish its cultural supremacy around the world. Or at least Belgian People understood how to make themselves loved by homesick European people traveling in faraway countries: it's not cinema, it's not music, it's not litterature, it's just plain and simple beer.

Kwak beer to conquer the world

The song of Noir Désir which was playing in the background was "Marlène", if you don't know it there is an urgent need for you to bridge that gap, better click there soon. 

Also, since this is a post about beer and belgium, I guess you should also listen to Jacque Brel's song La Bière.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Cheap Poetry

No, the blog is not dead yet. A trip in Laos with no access to internet is the most convenient excuse I have for the lack of activity. But brace yourselves: more traveling means more drawings. And more posts!

Starting with one especially uninspired. Just after arriving at Vientiane's airport, with little sleep and a slight readjusting of the timekeeper, I wrote this insanity. When tired, I tend to believe I'm a poet and therefore gave birth to the greatest piece of online comic litterature the interwebz has ever seen. You've been warned.

The bard of the poor's tale